Meet Our Certified Instructors

Yoga Teacher Imelda


My yoga journey started in 2015 when I developed an injury from over running. I was so bummed that my doctor told me to lay off running for 6 whole weeks and do yoga instead. I never even took enough time to stretch before or after a run so the idea of stretching for an hour was not appealing. Of course, I fell in love with yoga immediately. I was humbled to see the strength these yogis had in their whole body. I thought I was a badass running two half marathons every month but really I was a dumb ass. I was tearing up my body by overworking certain joints and muscles and ignoring others.

Yoga helped me to learn how to explore and challenge all of the different joints and muscles in my body and become so much healthier and stronger than ever. It also helped me to just slow down and notice and appreciate things. I had never stopped to think about how wonderful it can feel to just be still and breathe.

I am a 500 hour yoga trained teacher and am currently working towards my Personal Trainer certification. I am a former educator and enjoy helping others learn to love yoga and physical fitness as much as I do. My classes primarily focus on building strength, flexibility, balance, and functional mobility. It is extremely rewarding to see my clients smile when they realize they are becoming stronger and can do things they never thought they would be able to do.


Hi, I’m Reagan! I have been passionate about yoga since I discovered the practice in high school. I loved it so much that I decided to become a registered yoga teacher (RYT200), certified in 2023. For me, yoga began as nothing more than an exercise routine, but over the years it has evolved into a meaningful practice that has followed me off the mat and supported me throughout various stages of my life, including school, work, pregnancy, and postpartum.

For me, yoga isn’t just about physical fitness; it’s a holistic approach to well-being and a way to connect with both mind and body. I believe yoga can be a transformative practice, and I hope each of my students leaves class feeling rejuvenated and revitalized.

In my free time, I love going on walks with my Aussie-Collie, reading, cooking and baking, taking pictures, exploring new places, playing piano, and of course, practicing yoga.

Whether you’re a seasoned practitioner or you’ve never stepped foot in a studio, do something for you and come enjoy class!


After a personal yoga practice for many years in 2019 I decided to undertake my yoga teacher training. Since then I have continued to be a student of the teachings and wisdom that a dedicated yoga practice offers and now feel it a blessing that I get to assist others on their own yoga journey.

I view the practice of yoga as a healing modality in itself and as an important component in maintaining mind, body and spirit wellness. It's only when we turn our gaze inward and are fully present in our body that we can begin to truly understand who we are.

I believe Yoga offers us a space of deep awareness and connection to the subtle body through safe space, awareness, stillness, breath and conscious movement.

I love to guide and hold space for slower yoga practices like Gentle, Restorative & Yin so that we can fully tune in to all aspects of the self.

Yoga Teacher Julie


Coming Soon!

Yoga Teacher Renee


Coming Soon!


When I started practicing yoga, I quickly fell in love with it. I began practicing various styles of yoga, which resonated with me at that time. I ended up loving gentle yoga and meditation, thanks to my lovely yoga teachers that shared yoga philosophy with me.

Yoga became a lifestyle for me—it’s part of my spiritual journey and medicine for my mind, body and soul.

In November of 2023, I completed my 200 Hour Yoga Teacher Training, and I continue studying and learning to improve my knowledge of the practice. 

My intentions as a teacher are: to pass the love of yoga to others, create a safe space, keep learning, open my heart to love myself more and to show that same caring and love to my students, and to be a lifelong student of the practice.

I enjoy nature, love crystals, energy, and sharing my practice of yoga with others.

Vandana “Vandy” - Meditation Guide

Coming Soon!